Directions to Penitents and Believers
1800-1850 / John Wesley / Methodism / Pamphlet / Paper / Printing & Publishing / Publication
Paper, printed
Published by John Mason, Wesleyan Conference Office, City Road, London, 1842
In 1780, John Wesley wrote and published his 'Directions to Penitents and Believers For Renewing Their Covenant With God'. The pamphlet outlined the purpose and contents of the Covenant Service, a distinctive Methodist service which renews the believers' commitment to Christ and the Church.
Wesley held the first Methodist Covenant Service on 11th August, 1755 and the service has become one of the pillars of the Methodist Faith. This edition of the pamphlet dates to 1842.
Published by John Mason, Wesleyan Conference Office, City Road, London, 1842
In 1780, John Wesley wrote and published his 'Directions to Penitents and Believers For Renewing Their Covenant With God'. The pamphlet outlined the purpose and contents of the Covenant Service, a distinctive Methodist service which renews the believers' commitment to Christ and the Church.
Wesley held the first Methodist Covenant Service on 11th August, 1755 and the service has become one of the pillars of the Methodist Faith. This edition of the pamphlet dates to 1842.