A Sermon on Original Sin

A Sermon on Original Sin
A Sermon on Original Sin

1750-1800 / John Wesley / Methodism / Pamphlet / Paper / Printing & Publishing / Publication
Printed on paper
Printed at Mr Wesley's New Chapel, City Road, London, 1788

In this sermon, Wesley points out that human nature has been so thoroughly corrupted that man has no possibility of any goodness at all without God's grace intervening.

Wesley concludes: 'Ye were born in sin: Therefore, 'ye must be born again,' born of God. By nature ye are wholly corrupted. By grace ye shall be wholly renewed.(...) go on from faith to faith,' until your whole sickness be healed; and all that 'mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus!'

Through God’s grace alone, made available to all in Jesus Christ, and through discipleship to him with his church, Wesley concludes that man may have hope of deliverance from the control of original sin.