Ceremony Handbill
1800-1850 / Commemorative / Methodism / Other / Paper / Publication / Sunday School
Printed on paper
Handbill commemorating the foundation stone laying for the City Chapel and schools in Jewin and Aldersgate Streets on March 20th, 1849. Events such as this one were important events in the Church calendar and were celebrated as such.
Interestingly, the commemorative breakfast was held at the City of London Tavern. Some would have found this a curious place for a Chapel breakfast, but it probably showed the practical nature of the Church and their proximity to their grass roots support. It is very possible that the tavern owner or manager was connected to the Chapel in some way.
Handbill commemorating the foundation stone laying for the City Chapel and schools in Jewin and Aldersgate Streets on March 20th, 1849. Events such as this one were important events in the Church calendar and were celebrated as such.
Interestingly, the commemorative breakfast was held at the City of London Tavern. Some would have found this a curious place for a Chapel breakfast, but it probably showed the practical nature of the Church and their proximity to their grass roots support. It is very possible that the tavern owner or manager was connected to the Chapel in some way.