

1750-1800 / Document / John Wesley / Letter / Paper
Paper; ink
John Wesley to Miss Loxdale, December 16th, 1781

John Wesley is writing to Miss Loxdale, a regular correspondent in the 1780s.

The letter is very personal and ends with: "I beg you woud (sic) always write just what you feel, without disguise, without reserve. Your Heart seems to be just as my Heart. I cannot tell that I ever before felt so close an attachment to a person whom I had never seen. Sureley it is the will of our gracious Lord, that there shd be still closer Union between You & Yours in tender Affection..."

It is likely John Wesley never actually met Miss Loxdale, but it was writing in a similar vein to other women over twenty years previously which had contributed to the souring of Wesley's marriage to Mary ('Molly') Vazeille Wesley.