The Great Assize – A Sermon on Romans xiv. 10.

The Great Assize – A Sermon on Romans xiv. 10.
The Great Assize – A Sermon on Romans xiv. 10.

1750-1800 / John Wesley / Methodism / Pamphlet / Paper / Printing & Publishing / Publication
Printed on paper
Printed by Paramore, Worship Street, London, 1792

John Wesley preached this sermon at the Assizes held before the Honorable Sir Edward Clive, Knight, one of the Judges of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas and other court officials, in St. Paul's Church, Bedford, on March 10, 1758.

This appropriately-named sermon was Wesley's most important on the subject of God’s final judgment. Wesley urged those who had authority in this life to provide justice in the courts, reminding those who judge men and women that they will one day stand to be judged themselves.