The Potent Enemies Of America Laid Open
1750-1800 / Book / Leather / Paper / Printing & Publishing / Publication
Printed on paper, bound in leather. Printed by Joseph Crukshank, Market Street, Philadelphia
Some account of the baneful effects attending the use of distilled spirituous liquors, and the slavery of the negroes; (...), 1774
This culturally-important publication brings together a number of contemporary views on serious issues affecting the American colonies in the mid 1700s. These included slavery and alcohol. The book was authored by Anthony Benezet (1713-84), with significant tracts, extracts and quotations taken from other authors, including John Wesley.
Some account of the baneful effects attending the use of distilled spirituous liquors, and the slavery of the negroes; (...), 1774
This culturally-important publication brings together a number of contemporary views on serious issues affecting the American colonies in the mid 1700s. These included slavery and alcohol. The book was authored by Anthony Benezet (1713-84), with significant tracts, extracts and quotations taken from other authors, including John Wesley.