The Principles of a Methodist Considered in a Letter
John Wesley / Methodism / Pamphlet / Paper / Printing & Publishing / Publication
Paper, printed
Printed by James Buckland, London, 1753
The Principles of a Methodist Considered in a Letter to Reverend Mr ****' is one of John Wesley's early attempts to explain and justify Methodist theology.
The pamphlet was written with George Whitefield in mind, whose Calvinist leanings and belief in pre-determination and salvation of the few did not accord with Wesley's belief in salvation by faith for all. These fundamental differences caused a rift between Whitefield and Wesley and impacted on the development of Methodist doctrine. The row escalated over the following years which, in 1778, resulted in Wesley publishing the 'Arminian Magazine' in defence of his views.
Printed by James Buckland, London, 1753
The Principles of a Methodist Considered in a Letter to Reverend Mr ****' is one of John Wesley's early attempts to explain and justify Methodist theology.
The pamphlet was written with George Whitefield in mind, whose Calvinist leanings and belief in pre-determination and salvation of the few did not accord with Wesley's belief in salvation by faith for all. These fundamental differences caused a rift between Whitefield and Wesley and impacted on the development of Methodist doctrine. The row escalated over the following years which, in 1778, resulted in Wesley publishing the 'Arminian Magazine' in defence of his views.