Half-day visit to site: £3 per pupil. Morning visits are from 10.30 am to 12 noon; afternoon visits run from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm. Up to 35 pupils can be accommodated on a visit.
Whole-day visit to site: £6 per pupil. Whole-day visits include the use of a lunch room if required. Visits run from 10.30 am to 2.00 pm. Up to 35 pupils can be accommodated on a visit.
Outreach in your school: £2 per pupil for a 1-hour interactive workshop in school. Up to 35 pupils per session.
We are keen that no pupils should miss out on our learning sessions for financial reasons, so we keep costs as low as possible for all pupils. If your school faces exceptional levels of financial hardship, please get in touch as we may be able to assist.
Supervision of pupils
For outreach visits and visits to site, please note that pupils must be adequately supervised at all times by a responsible adult.
Access for on-site visits
Some school sessions involve a visit to John Wesley’s House. John Wesley’s House is an original Georgian townhouse built in 1778, with a steep and narrow staircase and no lift. If you anticipate access issues for your group, please get in touch to discuss what adjustments we can make to your visit.
The Museum of Methodism and Wesley’s Chapel are fully accessible with lift access. Disabled toilet facilities are found opposite the museum entrance.
We welcome pre-visits to site. Please contact the Learning & Community Engagement Officer at lso@wesleyschapel.org.uk to arrange this or to discuss any requirements for your group.
The Museum of Methodism and Wesley Teacher’s Information Pack
view / download (pdf)
This pre-visit pack gives further information on the site of Wesley’s Chapel, John Wesley’s House and our museum, as well as background information about John Wesley and Methodism.
Bookings & more information
We look forward to welcoming your group or meeting you in your school! For more information, please contact our Learning & Community Engagement Officer at lso@wesleyschapel.org.uk