In late 2021/early 2022 Wesley’s Chapel & Leysian Mission hosted an exhibition called ‘Leadership on a Journey’ which looked at leaders from the Black British, Asian and global Methodist family. The ‘Migration Stories’ workshop is a downloadable resource that focuses on the stories of two of the leaders featured, Rev. Dr Inderjit Bhogal and Norman Mullings. It explores the impact of journeys, both physical and emotional, on the faith, work, and lives of Inderjit and Norman.
Duration: 1 hour
Key Stage 4: History: ‘Britain, migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day’
Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 Citizenship, Black History Month
Migration Stories .pptx, 9mb | Workbook .pdf, 7mb | Teacher’s Notes .pdf
In 2020 we partnered with Newington Green Meeting House and Benjamin Franklin House to develop a joint programme of education sessions related to literacy, dissent and change. All the workshops can be found here. The sessions are aimed at Upper Key Stage 2 and Lower Key Stage 3. Our session ‘Wesley’s Words of Change’ can be downloaded below:
Video .mp4, 21:38, 42mb | Activity Sheet 1 | Activity Sheet 2 (pdf) | Teacher’s Notes (pdf) | Transcript (pdf)