Half-day visit for Year 3 to Year 6
From November 28th until December 13th 2024 only, early booking recommended!
On this special half-day visit, pupils will see Wesley’s Chapel and learn why Christians celebrate the festival of Christmas. They will follow a trail around John Wesley’s 18th century house, decorated for Christmas in the Georgian style, and discover the origins of some modern Christmas traditions. Pupils will also make a Christingle or simple Christmas decoration to take home.
Please note that part of this session takes place in John Wesley’s House, which has a steep staircase with no lift access.
Curriculum links: LBI Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, Expressing – How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? Expressing – How do people from religious and non-religious communities celebrate Christmas?

Half-day visit for Year 3 and Year 4
A half-day introduction to Christian beliefs. Through a visit to Wesley’s Chapel, interactive activities and a trail around the museum, pupils will discover what happens in a church, and why a church is a sacred place. They will explore the significance of items within our Methodist Chapel, including the cross, bible, altar, pulpit, font and organ.
Curriculum links: LBI Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, Believing – Who is a Christian and what do they believe? Believing – What do different people believe about God?; Expressing – What makes some places sacred? Expressing – Why do people pray?

Whole-day visit for Year 3 to Year 6
A local history study about life in Georgian London. Pupils will use a variety of historical sources to find out about homes, society, health, food and clothing in Georgian London. They will visit our Georgian townhouse to look for evidence of how people lived, and follow a trail around the museum, looking at original artwork and diary extracts. Pupils will build an understanding of different kinds of historical sources, their limitations, and how they can be taken together to help us understand the past.
Please note that part of this session takes place in John Wesley’s House, which has a steep staircase with no lift access.
Curriculum links: Key Stage 2, History – A local history study; History – Understand how knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources

Whole-day visit for Year 5 and Year 6
During this whole-day visit, pupils will tour John Wesley’s townhouse to learn about the role of enslaved people in the production of goods popular with Londoners in the 1700s. They will take a trail around the museum, finding out about Wesley’s journey to America where he witnessed enslavement first hand, and reflecting on what it means to be enslaved. Key figures who fought to abolish the slave trade will be introduced. Pupils will visit Wesley’s Chapel to learn about his role in the Abolition.
Please note that part of this session takes place in John Wesley’s House, which has a steep staircase with no lift access.
Curriculum links: Key Stage 2, History – A study of a theme in British history: a significant turning point in British history (The Abolition)